Last week, Britt Ashcraft was honored to be a judge at the Formula E contest at Art Center College of Design.
The Formula E is an international rubber band-powered race car competition which showcases design ingenuity, triumph over failure plus other skills crucial to success in a global, creative economy.

The 14 Week long design project culminates with student teams competing in a variety of events with their uniquely designed remote controlled race vehicles propelled by energy stored in 16 feet of rubber band.
The annual Formula-E race ritual (“E” for “elastic”) provides corporate and student teams with valuable experience in product development, engineering, team building and fabrication while pushing their ability to find solutions under pressure, recover from failure and ultimately win the big race!
This year, participating teams include students from Graduate Industrial Design, Transportation Design and Product Design alongside entrants from Autonomous University of Baja California Sur, Axial Racing, Honda Motor Co., Mattel, Mt. SAC (San Antonio College) and Pasadena City College, as well as four teams traveling all the way from China.
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While at Art Center, we always make sure to get to the student gallery and walk around the campus.
It’s always inspiring to see the talent coming from the school and the innovative thinking that’s happening across all industries. We always leave feeling inspired, refreshed and recharged. The trick to unleashing your creativity is to surround yourself with people and cultures that think differently than you, as well as immerse yourself in industries that are outside the scope of your own or have nothing to do with it at all. Below are a few of the pieces seen around the campus as they prepare for Grad Night.
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